書名: Alphakids Level 6
出版社: Eleanor Curtain Publishing Pty.
單價: 1400
紅利點數: 14點
上架時間: ~ 無期限

Alphakids Level 6 – 含6本書 + 1朗讀CD

Alphakids Early Readingt Levels – Level 6


1.Where's the Baby?

本書敘述媽媽在詢問小嬰兒在那裏?及小女孩Nina回應嬰兒在各種地方(如:bedroom臥房、kitchen廚房、laundry洗衣房、living room客廳、sandbox沙盒、bathroom浴室、cot搖籃)的對話。本書介紹句型為(1)Where's the baby?(2)She's in the …(3)… is everywhere.(4)Oh no!Not again.文法重點:縮寫(where's, she's, she'll)。

2.Taking Pictures

本書敘說小女孩Emma新買了照相機並幫家人拍照的故事。本書常用重覆用字為my, is, I, have, a of, with, was, in, the, went, up, and, his, that, will, be, good, her, on, this, here, are;本書介紹句型為(1)My name is... I have a new camera. I took pictures of my family with my camera. (2)…<人>was in the …<地點>(3)I went up and took …<所有格> picture. Click! “That will be a good picture!' I said.。發音重點:/f/;其他重點:以大寫CLICK表示聲音。

3.The Lost Mother

本書敘說媽媽不見了的故事,故事中媽媽帶著小朋友到超級市場買東西,在買了許多東西後媽媽不見了,小朋友找遍了剛逛過的地方,最後終於在雜誌區找到媽媽。本書介紹句型為(1)My mother and I went shopping.(2)We got some…, some…, and some…<食物名>(3)OH NO…My mother was lost! Where did she go?(4)I went back to the …。發音重點:/b/;文法重點:過去式的用法。

4.Sleeping Animals

本書介紹給小朋友各種動物(如bird鳥, lizard蜥蝪, snake蛇, shark鯊魚, fish魚, bat蝙蝠, fly蒼蠅, butterfly蝴蝶, moth蛾, tiger老虎, koala無尾熊)睡覺的樣子及地方。本書介紹句型為(1)This is a …<動物>.(2)It can sleep …<睡覺的地點>.(3)It can sleep…<睡覺的樣子>.。發音重點:/sl/。

5.The Tree

本書說明樹是很多動物的家,而樹上之生物也為其他動物之食物,敘述出樹上之食物鏈之藍圖。本書介紹句型為(1)Here is a tree. The tree is a home for many living things.(2)Here is a …<動物名>. ...<植物或動物名>on the tree are food for the …<動物名>.發音重點:/a/。


本書敘述彈簧在各種物品(如:jack-in-the-box彈簧小丑箱, toy玩具, trampoline彈簧跳床, bike seat腳踏車坐墊, clothespin曬衣用衣夾)的各種用途。本書介紹句型為(1)This is a spring.(2)The … <物品>has a spring. What does the spring do?(3)The spring helps the … to go…and …<移動方向或動作>發音重點:/-ing/。
